Julian, 56 years old
You never knew what was possible, you never knew what was possible. If you had just taken chances, it wouldn’t have mattered if it had worked or not. You just never knew. I figured that out a few years back. I went to Berkeley, I never thought I’d get into Berkeley. I did a film. I don’t know if you’ve heard of this thing called the Secret. A lot of you think it’s hocus pocus. But I think affirmations are important. And I think if you can see it and believe it and you act like it’s actually happening, these things come true. I’m proof. You can’t just sit there and not do anything, but the fact that you put it out there and then you look for those signs and you’re constantly grabbing for it. It finds its way. I would say you never knew what was possible, if you had just known. I tell kids that all the time.
Julian, 56 years old
2147 San Pablo Avenue
« Bailey (Part II), 19 years old | Sarah, 50 years old »