James, 35 years old

be_person_James_35_2600 San Pablo

There’s nothing that you’re gonna find out. It’s just a matter of doing what you already know you’re supposed to be doing. Yeah, just do it… I mean, I see myself when I think of myself when I’m 80. I think, you know, I don’t know what I’m gonna think for sure. But when I think of myself now, I think the way that I will look back on my life will be about whether or not I’ve  lived my ideals and whether or not I’ve been the kind of person that I thought I should be – who I really wanted to be. And I’m sure when I’m actually 80, it’ll be something totally different.

James, 35 years old
2600 San Pablo Avenue

« Rachel, 24 years old   |   Kristin, 35 years old »