Caroline, 71 years old
The things that really matter to you, pursue them! Pursue them with vigor and don’t let other people tell you, that’s a dumb idea. Sometimes when you don’t have the energy to do something, you can still do little things that make a big difference to someone else or to something that’s important to you. Think about it, if you can’t do it this way any more, you can still do something. Keep involved with things that you really care about, even when you’re feeling kind of miserable.
On Tuesdays, I usually go up to the Senior Center for the singing in the mornings, then I have lunch, then I go to Russian class, then I go to the community garden in Ohlone Park. But I hurt my back last week, so I’m on a slightly subdued schedule today. I’m trying to get there for lunch, the Russian teacher is in the rehabilitation center, so I’m not gonna do Russian. But after lunch, with any luck, I’ll get to the garden. And on the way home, I’m gonna mail a couple of packages and buy my cat some cat food.
Caroline, 71 years old
2000 San Pablo Avenue
« Bailey, 19 years old | Lars, 44 years old »